NetPlus, a leader in Telecommunications Management Systems, was invited to speak at the ITPX Conference and Tradeshow earlier this month. Jim Gilmour, Product Manager at NetPlus addressed several key issues in managing modern telecommunications infrastructure and migrating to a unified communications environment.

“The topics we covered at the ITPX Conference were very well received. A message that struck home with the audience was the need for maintaining a clean inventory. It really is the heart of telecom operations because if you don’t know what you have, how will you know what to manage, bill for, and be billed?” said Gilmour after giving his presentation.

NetPlus Telecommunications Management System (TMS) offers complete telecommunications oversight and management. Inventory is at the center of NetPlus TMS and all work orders, troubles, moves, adds, changes, and disconnects are tightly tied to inventory to ensure proper tracking and management of assets. Inventory management allows the enterprise to chargeback for services provided by the telecommunications group and maintain a historical record of the spend across the enterprise for budgeting purposes and cost savings analyses.